GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL commitment to protect personal data.
Protecting the security and privacy of your personal data is important for GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL, which acts in compliance with current laws concerning the protection and security of personal data. We trust that the following rules will help you understanding what kind of data GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL usually gathers, how they are used and protected and with whom they are shared.
Personal data
GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL does not gather any of your personal data (e.g. name, address, telephone, e-mail address) through its websites unless you agree to provide this information voluntarily (for example through registration on the site or a survey). Any consent given by you may be revoked at any time. You will have the faculty to exercise the rights described in art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 and subsequent amendments and integrations, in particular you will have the right to recede from registration at any time and free of charge.
Purpose of handling
Following the provisions of law of 30th June 2003 no. 196 entitled “Code concerning the protection of personal data” and subsequent amendments and integrations, we wish to indicate the aims and purposes of treatment that any personal data you provide is destined for.
In compliance with art. 13 of the aforesaid law, such data will be subject to computerised or manual treatment as defined by art. 4, comma 1, letter a) of the law for the following purposes:
a) legal obligations connected to legal, fiscal, accounting regulations, etc. administrative, management of the relationship, fulfillment of any contractual obligations, technical support and information on the products and services object of the relationship;
b) after-sales assistance, User satisfaction checks, market research and statistics;
c) information on future commercial activities and announcements of new products, services and offers by ourselves and our subsidiaries;
d) promotional and advertising initiative destined for the market;
e) economic and financial analysis and evaluations.
GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL will not in any case gather data defined as “Sensitive” under art. 26 of Law 196/03 and subsequent amendments and integrations.
The proprietor of personal data handling is GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL – Registered office: Via Brione, 4 – 10143 TORINO – ITALY –
Administrative headquarters and plant: Strada della Risera, 7 – 10090 ROSTA (TO) – ITALY.
Data on use and communication
When using the telecommunication services that allow access to our website, the data relating to the type of communication (e.g. IP address) or use (e.g. information on the start, term and duration of each access and those relating to the telecommunication services to which one is connected) generated technically could reasonably be correlated to personal data. The gathering and processing of such data will only occur in the case of necessity and will in any case be performed in compliance with the provisions of Law 196/03 and subsequent amendments and integrations.
Automatic gathering of non-personal data
When you access the GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL website, certain information are automatically gathered by our system. This information does not allow personal identification (e.g. type of Internet browser and operating system used; the domain of the website from which you accessed the GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL website; number of visits to the site, average time spent in the website, pages visited).
GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL may use this information and share it worldwide with Group companies in order to verify use of the website and improve the performance and contents thereof.
“Cookie” – Information stored automatically on your PC
When you visit one of our websites, we may store certain data on your computer in the form of cookies in order to recognize your computer automatically on your next visit. Cookies can be useful in different ways, for example allowing us to modify a website so that it satisfies your interests or by saving your password in order for you to avoid you repeating the procedure at every access. If you do not wish to receive cookies, simply set your Internet browser to cancel all cookies from your computer’s hard disk, block them or give notice each time one is saved.
In order to protect your personal data against destruction, loss or accidental or improper alteration and against unauthorized access and diffusion, GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL has implemented technical and organizational security measures.
Links to other websites
GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL web pages may contain Hyperlinks to other websites, intended to provide a better service to GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL website users.
GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL declines all responsibility for the content of any websites accessed by users through its own website.
The existence of hyperlinks to other websites does not intend approval or acceptance of risk by GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL concerning the content of the new website one accesses, with regard also to the policy adopted for the use and handling of personal information.
Questions and comments
GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL undertakes to reply to any reasonable request relating to the review of personal data and to correct, amend or delete any inaccuracies. Should you have any questions or comments to make concerning GIOVANNI ACCINNI SRL Personal data protection Regulations (e.g. in order to review and update your personal data), please send an e-mail to